Download: unit_5_chemical_reactions.xml
Downloading: unit_5_chemical_reactions.xml Chemistry quiz/test bank
I've developed a bank of over 1,000 original chemistry assessment items for Moodle. Question types include multiple choice, click and drag, and calculated questions with randomly generated numbers in the prompt. (In fact, for nearly every question in which students must make a calculation, new random numbers are selected for every attempt by each student.)
Covered topics include:
- Intro to Matter (lab safety; SI (metric) measurement; accuracy & precision; states of matter)
- Atomic Theory (historical development of evidence for atoms; atomic structure; arrangement of electrons in atoms)
- Chemical Relationships (chemical periodicity and periodic trends; bonding and compounds; intermolecular forces)
- Chemical Quantities (counting atoms; chemical formulas)
- Chemical Reactions (chemical equations; simple chemical reactions; energy changes in reactions)
- Stoichiometry
- Properties of Gases
- Solutions, Acids, and Bases
- Kinetics and Equilibrium
- Organic Nomenclature