This site contains original assessment items I developed and I'm sharing in the hope that other teachers and students can put them to good use. I use Moodle for all quizzes and tests, and because of the large number of items (many with randomized numbers for additional variation), no two students ever get the exact same quiz, and no student gets the same quiz twice (I allow retakes).
This approach has numerous evidence-supported benefits to students, but how can it help teachers?
- I never grade papers at home.
- I have plenty of time during the work day to set up labs, so I almost never have to stay late.
- I spend lots of time with my friends and family, even during the school year.
- I don't have to police for cheating because every student has a different version of the test.
- I still have time to provide individualized tutoring outside of class to students that ask for it.
- I don't have to waste time making copies, clearing paper jams, printing extras for students who lose papers, etc.
- I can assess student work without lugging around piles of papers.
- I don't have to deal with students losing their papers.
- Creating makeup and retake versions of quizzes and tests is automatic and consumes no time.
For items in the bank that aren't self-explanatory (especially the "lab self-assessment" ones), I occasionally post here with tips.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback.